Nuna Rava Fire Retardant-Free Convertible Car Seat
5694 Mayfield Road
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5694 Mayfield Road Lyndhurst OH 44124 United States
It’s uncomplicated, un-fussy and exceeds American safety standards. Our RAVA convertible car seat is filled with little extras like laid back legroom, fuss-free adjustments, and our unique simply™ secure installation that makes setup a snap, all while being FR free.
So you can relax and enjoy every magical, messy, covered-with-crumbs moment.
No added fire retardant chemicals
Simply™ secure installation allows for an install that is swift, secure and straightforward.
Energy absorbing foam and side impact protection (SIP) pods take side impact security to the next level.
Less is best design. Bubble-free. Hassle-free. Muscle-free.
Baby can ride rear facing for longer. Up to a whopping 50 lbs.
Dual flip-open cup holders. So they can drink when theywant.
Laid back legroom gives up to 2 inches of extra space for rear facing riders. And extra leg support for forward facing riders.
Ten position headrest can be pulled up with one hand. Five position recline for rear and forward facing riding.
No re-thread 5 point harness
Washable knit fabric and ventilation panels make little riders super comfy.
Infant insert and head support. Just take the pieces out and they’re good to grow.
Ventilation panels within the shell and breathable (and washable!) knit fabric create a comfy climate for even the longest of trips
All steel frame and reinforced belt path for superior protection
Aircraft certified to travel everywhere and beyond
safety features
No added fire retardant chemicals
Muscle free True tension™ doors ensure an ultra-secure fit without the struggle
No re-thread 5 point harness
Energy absorbing foam and side impact protection (SIP) pods take side impact security to the next level.
technical features
Recline angle guides clearly confirm the perfect riding angle
Laid back legroom gives up to 2 inches more leg room rear facing and extra support for forward facing riders
Ventilation panels within the shell and breathable (and washable!) knit fabric create a comfy climate for even the longest of trips
All steel frame and reinforced belt path for superior protection
Aircraft certified to travel everywhere and beyond